Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Geese, Shrike and Redpolls

First day out of proper birding in 2012:
Started by dipping the Great Grey Shrike near the Fakenham Morrisons roundabout, although it did turn up about 10 minutes after I left! The only compensation here was a flyover Branbling and lots of Grey Partrige.
Titchwell in glorious sunshine:
Coue's Arctic Redpoll, Mealy Redpoll, 4 Female Long T Ducks on the sea, Spot Redshank and lots of other year ticks..
Burnham A140 lay-by
1 Ross's Goose (found)
1 Black Brant (found)
2 plus White fronts.. And lots of Brents and Pink foots.
A brief stop at Holkham and just in time to see the 2nd Ross's that is in the area amongst 000's of Pink feet. There are probably 3 birds in the area including a dodgier than most bird, one that wanders around Cley area with some feral Barnacles. Last year it was in amongst a group of Barnacles that included a hybrid offspring.

On the way home a brief stop at Fakenham and the Shrike was showing well, sitting on top of a tree looking around and preening. Great finish to a successful morning out.. Now I really must see the Western Sand in 2012 before it moves on!

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