Sunday, 20 November 2011


A visit to stay with my sister and her family in Florida recently has mean no Norfolk birding. Looks like there have been some impressive Geese arrivals here though. So I hope to catch up with some of these.

As for Florida, no birding, but it is hard to avoid seeing birds as they are everywhere there. And so tame too.

I managed to see a new bird .. Snowy Plover, on the beach in Sarasota. A recent split from Kentish, it certainly looked paler and different in the bright, hot sunshine. All the waders there were ridiculously tame with Willets, Semip Plovers, Grey Plovers, Knot and Sanderlings all running around the feet of joggers and sunbathers!

Also noteworthy was the Amrican Bittern seen in flight from my sister's balcony along with many other roosting Herons, Egrets and Ibises. The first American Bittern since the one I saw at Martin Mere.. Many years ago

Lots of Ospreys , Palm Warblers as usual.

Now back to bread and butter birding here in the UK!

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